Pieces of Eden

I am beginning a new series of paintings about savoring lushness. I grew up in the Christian tradition, and I have long wondered what happened to the Garden of Eden. After human beings became self-conscious the story pivoted to focus on human efforts and failings. But what of that paradise? Whenever I pursue it, I find tidbits of Eden everywhere. I am marking these moments and memories with big, immersive paintings.

June 10, 2024 - Elizabeth Noble

“First Thaw”

30 x 40 inches, oil on canvas, May 2024

“Juicier and Juicier”

60 x 42 inches, oil on canvas, May 2024

The series has just begun. Sign up for my newsletter to catch upcoming releases.

Now on display at the Lucius Bebee Memorial Library - June 29.

Meet the artist and share quiet conversations on creativity, June 20th 7:30-8:30pm.

345 Main Street, Wakefield, Massachusetts

The show includes work that led to the series and a description of how I found my visual language for Pieces of Eden.

The god of dirt came up to me many times and said so many wise and delectable things, I lay

on the grass listening

to his dog voice,

crow voice,

frog voice; now,

he said, and now,

and never once mentioned forever,


excerpt from One or Two Things
by Mary Oliver from New and Selected Poems:  Volume One (Beacon Press)