February 2022

A little print duet for February:

After completing a huge January project, to lighten up, I drew a couple of scenes from my neighborhood. They capture two of my everyday views right after an 18+ inch snow dump. And though they are scarcely more than a sketchbook excerpt, they are charming and honest.

I wanted to share them both with you, so instead of one 8.5 x 11” print, I made you a smaller duet of these drawings in 5 x 7” (which is another standard and easy to frame size).

I call them:

View from Paul’s Room 1/31/2022 &

That Seafoam House in the Snow

A long letter and a little treat:

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I also sent you a tiny kit and a couple of ideas for making your own little love note this month. I like imagining us being creative together - even while connecting through snail mail. I hope you enjoy it and make something for someone you love. Sending it with my own love… and a too-long letter.


New to Print of the Month?