December 2022


This month I’m sending along reproduction of a brand new oil painting entitled, “Her.”

gifts and femininity

I started painting bows as practice and knowing that I wanted to use them for holiday greeting cards. But I couldn’t really resist painting a pink one. It wasn’t destined for cards, but it became my favorite piece of the bunch. Painting ribbon is an exercise in painting light. And it took diligence and when I’m zoned like that, I often find I’m painting through a lot of thoughts.

This piece became about the gifts of femininity. I think about the things my mother and my women ancestors have handed down to me. From the farm and from over the ocean and many decades, I have holiday traditions and examples of how to tend a family.

I write to you about it and I made a little matching menu card for you to use with your holiday meals. I’m working on finding balance in many things so I share that reflection too.

I hope this little shipment finds you cozy and savoring the gifts we often overlook.

Merry Christmas!


New to Print of the Month?